Palterton Primary School


We aim to be environmentally friendly by publishing policies electronically. You are free to download any of the policies on this page.

If you require a printed copy of any of our policies you are entitled to request one. You should contact Mrs Whittaker, either on the number below, using the contact form on this site, or by calling in to school in person.

Anti bullying

Anti-Bullying Policy

We have a zero tolerance to bullying at Palterton Primary School, and we investigate all allegations of bullying. This policy defines what behaviours constitute bullying, and what happens when bullying occurs. Child friendly version

Attendance and Absence

Attendance and Absence Policy

Palterton Primary School believes that good attendance is essential if pupils are to take full
advantage of school and gain the appropriate skills which will equip them for life. We aim to achieve good attendance by operating an attendance policy within which staff, pupils, parents, local community and the Education Social Work Service can work in partnership.  The school will monitor attendance and ensure quick and early intervention if a problem is identified.

Authorised Leave of Absence Policy

Authorised Leave of Absence Policy

Palterton Primary School promotes the view that regular attendance is important to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for all of our children.


Behaviour Policy

Maintaining positive relationships and learning behaviours underpin high standards at Palterton Primary School. Our policy outlines our expectations for behaviour in our school, and how we encourage positive behaviour. It also defines the ways in which we deal with any behaviour which doesn't match our high expectations.


Charges and Remissions


Charging and Remissions Policy

Our policy sets out the things that families may be asked to pay for.

Safeguarding/Child Protection

Child Protection/ Safeguarding Policy

The most important job we have to do in school is keeping children safe. Our policy sets out our procedures for monitoring the children in our care as well as the expectations for staff at school.

Dinner money

Dinner Money

Dinner Money Policy

Our policy sets out how the school manages payments for dinners.


Positive Behaviour Support (including Physical Intervention) Policy

In the very rare circumstance that physical intervention is required to prevent pupils from coming to harm authorised staff will follow this policy. Where there is a known risk of physical intervention being required, training and support is provided by Derbyshire County Council (DCC). This policy is adopted from DCC and has been adapted to be specific to our school.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Our policy sets out the ways in which we support children and families with special educational needs and disabilities. It outlines what you should do if you have any concerns about your child's needs, or if your child has a disability and needs support.

(More information about our SEND offer, and the local Derbyshire offer are on the SEND page.)

Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policy

Our policy outlines the ways we fulfill our statutory duties to keep our families, children and staff safe.


Complaints Policy

This guide supports the school's approach to dealing with times when school and families need to deal with an issue.

Accessibility and Disability Equality

Accessibility and Disability Equality Policy

 At Palterton Primary School, we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.

Offsite Visits

Offsite Visits Policy

 This policy outlines the way Palterton Primary plans and organises school visits.


Medicines Policy

 This policy outlines the arrangements for the administration of medicines in school.


Whistleblowing Policy

 The aim of this policy is to encourage employees to report any concerns they have.

Selection and Recruitment

Relationship & Sex Education

Selection and Recruitment Policy

 This policy outlines the procedures in place for ensuring the school recruits staff safely.



Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) Policy

 This policy outlines the school's policy to fulfil the current requirements for the teaching of relationship and sex education linked to the PSHE curriculum.

Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN