Palterton Primary School

D.T. - Design & Technology


In Design Technology at Palterton Primary School, children have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding in a fun, practical and creative way. From Reception to Year 6, children build on previous skills, learn how to use resources and tools safely, make links with other areas of the curriculum, work in a range of contexts e.g. home, school and learn about how significant individuals have influenced the world of technology.


  • Children explore and evaluate a range of existing products e.g.  books with moving parts, sandwiches, soup... If possible, the children disassemble the product and look at it’s parts/ how it is made/ how it works/ what it tastes like.

Technical Knowledge

  • Children are able to develop their knowledge and understanding of structures, mechanisms (levers, wheels and axles, textiles, pneumatics, electrical and computer control), food nutrition and cooking.

  • Children develop their DT skills through short, teacher directed, focused tasks e.g. measuring, cutting, different joining techniques and making a mechanism.

Design, Make and Evaluate

  • Children learn to design (using annotated sketches, diagrams, prototypes) a product for themselves or another user based on their own design criteria.

  • Children select a range of materials, components (including construction kits) and tools to make a high quality end product.

  • Children evaluate their product against their design criteria


Look at our Design Technology Overview for the year. We work in two cycles, Cycle A and Cycle B. This is to ensure the children get a wide range of opportunities and further develop their skills each year by ensuring no outcomes are duplicated in the mixed age classes. 

Explore how our curriculum is organised across the school in our Design Technology Overview document.

Discover more about the detail of planned vocabulary, knowledge and skills progression in our Design Technology Progression document.


Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN